Over the last few years Roots Mortgages has been front and centre as our main sponsor with their logo appearing on our playing shirts and even the stumps!
Since then, Roots Mortgages has been joined by a number of sister companies with the Vestura Group being formed as the group to tie them all together.
The other companies that form the Vestura Group are:
You can find out more about the Vestura Group of companies, as well as the companies above on their website.
Gareth Love, who is the Co-Founder and Director of Vestura Group, said: "We've been a partner with Sileby Town Cricket Club for a number of years and we're delighted to be able to extend our sponsorship. We wish the club every success for the season ahead."
All of our playing wear on our club shop has been updated to have the Vestura Group logo and the Roots Mortgages logo will be phased out during 2024 and replaced with the Vestura Group logo.
"We're delighted to be partnering with the Vestura Group and for their continued commitment to being our lead sponsor," said our Sponsorship Lead Josh Winterton. "We look forward to continuing our successful partnership," he added.